Walking down the memory lane: Sports Day at BNKS
Tell Me A Story: Monthly Blog (Jan 17)
Wow, it had been a long time since I visited my high school. And this time, I was lucky to attend the annual sports day. There was so many memories flowing down when I went to visit and walk through the school compound. It was sad to see the impact of earthquake from last year and still a lot of repairs to be done.
Map showing the school, looks like this needs a fresh paint.

The kitchen was going a major upgrade and expansion. There used to be a bakery there, not sure if they still have it.

The LRC (Learning Research Center) building. Just wanted to show why the wires are not properly managed. I hope the school management looks into this.

One of the damage done by the earthquake of 2015, when asked, we were told the manufacturer that made the tiles, does not make it anymore. Is there an easy way to replicate this so can we can replace or add the tiles?

Two smart young fresh seniors (A2) posing for a photo.

The soprts day event starts with a March past event, lead by the School Captains.

The students were still waiting for the Chief Guest, Honorable Youth and Sports Minister Mr. Daljit Shrepaili.

The band was the center of the March past. And it reminded us of our old days. I was always fascinated by that band when I was a young boy.

And all the Houses marched, and best team from each category would win the race.

It was good to see the boys and girls march. It took me back to my good old days.

A little different that we used to have the boys were required to march in the sports kits.

It was all flashback.

School Flag and the school Captains leading the marchpast.

The young boys waiting for the event. Not sure why they did not have to take part.

Tilicho, one of the senior girls house.

Senior house boys in focus.

Hiunchuli, the oldest girls hostel.

Head of PE Department Mr. Mohan Karki.

President of SEBSNA, SEBS BNKS Principal and Honorable Sports Minister.

Technology is taking over, everywhere.

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