Walk in the Park
Tell Me A Story: Monthly Blog (April 2018)
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. ~Frank Lloyd Wright
It had been a long time since my visit to Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria Virginia.
I and my Photographer friend Stephon met at the park at 8 am started the walk.
Some photos from the morning,

Female Eastern Bluebird

Solitary Sandpiper

Common Yellowthroat

Redheaded Woodpecker

Redheaded Woodpecker

Male Yellow Rumped Warbler

Male Downy Woodpecker

Male Common Yellowthroat

Northern Flicker

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Redheaded Woodpecker

Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler in flight.

Male Yellow Rumped Warbler

Two Palm Warbler enjoying the sun.

Black Squirrel with orange tail

Northern Flicker spitting out sawdust from its nest.

Sun basking turtles.

Mallard duck caught taking a nap.

Red winged black bird.

Solitary Sandpiper looking for some food.

Did the Solitary Sandpiper find anything interesting there?

Frog is looking at you. This is one of the favorite place for group of frogs in Huntley Meadows Park.

Muskrat enjoying some greens.
Thank you for joining me for this month’s Tell me a Story.
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